Reporting Views & Events
The SDK can report various types of events to the server.
"category" is not a constant and it has to be defined based on the application events, categories etc.
Report Screen Views
PJDSDK.reportEvent(Context, PJDEvent.VIEWED, “SCREEN_NAME”, “category”)
Report Tap, Logout and other Events
val screenInfo = HashMap<String, String>()screenInfo["key1"] = "val1"screenInfo["key2"] = "val2"PJDSDK.reportEvent(Context, PJDEvent.CLICKED,“SCREEN_NAME”, screenInfo, "category")
If you want to report an event when a user logs out of their account in the app.
PJDSDK.reportEvent(Context, PJDEvent.LOGGEDOUT, "ScreenName", "category")
If a user wants to track apps opened, terminated, then these methods can be called from the Application class.
See Appendix A for all types of events available.