Pumpjack Dataworks Analytics SDK

Report Media

The SDK can report various types of events to the server.

Report Video View

When a user views a video.

val options= HashMap<String, String>()
options["duration"] = "50"
options["videoTitle"] = "Highlights for Jan 20 game"
PJDSDK.reportEvent(Context, PJDEvent.WATCHED,"VIDEOS", options, "category")

Report Audio Stream

When a user listens to an audio clip.

val options= HashMap<String, String>()
options["duration"] = "50"
options["audioStream"] = "Live Audio for Jan 20 game"
PJDSDK.reportEvent(Context, PJDEvent.LISTENED, "GAMEDAY", options, "category")

Add End Time

(For WATCHED and LISTENED events) When the user finishes watching the video, call reportEndTime. This will send and finalize the event.
